Friday, February 15, 2008

A Shock To My System

Imagine this.. you are getting your first cup of coffee on a Sunday morning, December 30, 2007, as it happens. The paper is still cold from the outside, you are excited to read in leisure, no rushing through to barely grasp the basics of the news, columns and fun stuff. You open the paper , start sorting the sections, and all of the sudden, you see the Parade Magazine, with George Bush Jr. on the cover. My day is almost destroyed, until I remember, I am the Complaint Dept and I have a job to do.

Dear Editor,

TO say when I opened my paper and saw you gave the cover to George Bush Jr. was a shock to my system, is an understatement. How could you???

He is a man that stole a Presidential election, steered the world to the brink of another world war simply for some misguided personal gain, took the Constitution of the United States and virtually shredded all our freedoms, destroyed the middle class in the USA, increased the wealth of the top 1% of this country while creating more poverty of such desperate levels as has not been seen in decades, and is so out of touch with the reality of Global Warming as to make me wonder...What were you thinking??

Be very happy yours is not a subscription magazine, as I would cancel it instantly and I will NOT be supporting ANY of your advertisers.

sent 12/30/07 to Parade...

Now I can sit back, get a new cup of coffee and enjoy the day.

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