Saturday, June 21, 2008

Driving Jersey Style

Blinkers are a waste of energy, therefore we do not use them.

A circle (roundabout) is one big game of chicken.

A jughandle is a way to get out of stopping at a red light... just use it and continue on your way.

A red light is a suggestion... a yellow light a waste of a bulb... a green light is expected

A pedestrian does not belong on the road, any part of it, roads were made for driving, not walking.

A pedestrian does not belong on the road... part 2... because I have a hot cup of coffee in my lap between my legs, with a water bottle in the center console as I check my email on my iPhone... and you honestly think I have time to stop for your lazy butt to cross the street.. or even think of stopping and messing up the interior of my car or burning my lap???

Speed limits exist purely as a money making opportunity for the local/county/state police. They are to be ignored, unless you see a cop.

Driving while drinking, eating, talking on the phone, putting on make-up/shaving, reading the paper is an inherent right.

People from NY and PA who drive in NJ are the worst...

Its FUN going 60mph on a crowded 2 lane highway with every major box store known to man on both sides of the road. Its even more fun going from one store to another store on the other side of the highway without looking.

If there is a space no larger than a postage stamp between cars, I have the right to change lanes and cut you off.

The tires on the back of some SUV's are an additional bumper.

If we can build a highway..we do, and always find a way to mess up on and off ramps.

Whats wrong with stopping short if you are 2 inches from my rear bumper while going 80mph? Back off Jack!

An SUV gives you the right to drive anyway you want in any weather condition. If I want to go 75mph in 4 inches of snow and ice on a one lane pedestrian road, whats the problem?

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

My Buddy Peri

We were together for almost 15 years, side by side every day, thick and thin... he knew me and my secrets, never stopped barking, whining and was a shining light in my life. This morning, that light moved to another plane. He simply had enough, enough pain, enough problems breathing, enough of his life.

I promised him a home when he comes back... and I am sure he will.

I got him at 5 weeks old, he was housebroken by 7 weeks, and known as the liquor store dog that always rolled over for anyone to rub his belly. He was also a Pet Therapy Dog, with an instinctive knowledge of how to approach each and every person he came into contact with.

He was a funny little puppy. Part beagle, basset and corgi, his legs always to short for his tubby body. His funny walk and mannerisms earned him the nickname Chooch, like a clown.

I'll miss that Chooch.

Name Change

I have been teased over the years about my use of the English language that I tend to twist and contort to make a point. My friend Linda, who calls me Sumi, calls that unique phenomena, a Sumi'ism.

Since I started this blog, with its old name of The Complaint Dept. I have felt a bit constrained, as if the post HAD to have a negative bent to it. Not a cool thing if you are a positive, forward looking metaphysical person. Its kinda like 2 trains of opposing thoughts on one track heading toward each other. One has got to give, and honestly, after a while, no one wants to hear you bitch and moan 24/7, including myself. So after 180 seconds of deliberation and deep thought I am going with the new and soon to be abused Sumi'isms name. I guess you could call this a Blogger Menopause, a blog life change.

Don't get me wrong, I still plan on publishing all those letters of complaint, kudos and what where you thinking. However, you will be seeing more funny touching and absurdly weird stories only I can create.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Stella Silvansky sings at Monica Renneville's Outdoor Event Area in SL

As I have said before, Monica Renneville and I own the island ETU Abbracciare in Second Life(SL). A parcel on the island is dedicated to outdoor concerts and other events. We were lucky enough to have Stella Silvansky perform there on June 6... it was a great fun concert. Thank you Robert for this video!

By the way, I am in the front of the dance floor in a white suit, and Monica is wearing a Linda Lauren's Energy Art™ vest! and jeans!!

In case you are all my real life friends and family know I have NO rhythm, and could not dance even if Ginger Rogers invaded my body and took over, Everyone in SL has rhythm!

This stage and entire outdoor event area was a collaboration between Monica and a little bit of me. It was entirely built by us...and has such a great look and feel to it, many parts of it have been copied by other venues. A huge compliment. In the background of the stage, you will notice Linda Lauren's Energy Art™ which is being shown as a sideshow, as well as an over sized picture of Stella. The Blue Angel you see 'floating' is the Logo we use in SL and RL (Real Life as we say in SL). It also does double duty of being a tip jar. The dance animations are all available for free from the big round balls that float over the center of the dance floor. If you have any more questions about SL..just ask!


Friday, June 6, 2008

I Would Like To Thank...

The Media for deciding whom we should like in a Presidential Nomination process, and whom we should not. For hating Hillary Clinton to such an extent as to completely derail her campaign as well as all the hard work and accomplishments of her lifetime.

Chris Matthews-for being the most blatant Misogynist on TV... from asking women to get closer to the camera for a better 'shot' to his obvious hatred of Hillary Clinton.

The Media..again..for Creating news not reporting on it.

Fox huge oxymoron.

Pundits... for speaking and shouting over the thoughts and intelligent comments by so many of their guests.

The Democratic Party, whose short memory of NOT COUNTING VOTES lost them the past 2 Presidential elections. You, the DNC, have learned nothing. You have forgotten that the Democratic party is one of INCLUSION not EXCLUSION. This election is supposed to be about the PEOPLE of the United States, not some stupid set of rules designed to purposely confuse, confound, and piss off the very heart of the party, those that vote in every election. Way to go guys, its not easy to take an election that was all but sown up... and now have a real shot of losing the whole enchilada.

And the media wonders why newspaper readership is down, people are burnt out by the time a primary or election actually takes place, and why, too many people in this country could not find Greece on a map if it had a pin stuck in it.

I am tired, of the rhetoric, the garbage speak, and the 4th Estates supposed sense of entitlement to make up my mind for me.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

One Way Phone Calls...

"Full name please... address... Social... Phone number where you can be reached... the next appointment is Tuesday at 3:00pm ... please hold..."

Great... I got an appointment within a diggity.

So why am I pissed...

On Monday I get a call confirming I will be at the appointment on time and in the right office. I asked to be called if the Dr. was running late, 'No Problem' I was told. It is now 3:30, I live 3 minutes from the Dr's office, and there are 2 people in front of me... waiting...
The Doctor is running late... again.

So I go up to the glass, blocking those in the steerage compartment from the 'crackerjack' staff in the office.

"Excuse me, do you know how much longer the Dr is going to be? I have to get back to work."

"She is running late, about another 30 minutes or so..." Crap.

"How come you did not call me and let me know?"

"I did not know the Dr was running late then."

'HUH? I don't get it, you make me give you a number to be reached at, you called yesterday to confirm, you told me you would call if she was running late and over scheduled, and you couldn't call me? Then why take my cell phone number??"

"Even if I called you, you would still have to sign in, and wait behind everyone else... and we do not call to let you know the Dr is late. You should have called first."

"Why? My appointment is for 3:00, I made this appointment last week, and told you that I am on a break and could not wait, you said no problem.... and now... I am waiting, and YOUR the ones running late, not me... why leave a number if you won't help to cause LESS STRESS for your patients."

"Please come with me... a room just opened..."

"How long am I going to have to wait in the room?" I ask.

"About 30 minutes."

I turn around, and right in front of me is a very pretty beige wall, covered by a lovely textured wallpaper that probably costs more money than the clean up budget from Hurricane Katrina... I look at this wall and do the only thing I can... I start banging my head against it... till I REALLY get a headache and then walk out.