Friday, June 6, 2008

I Would Like To Thank...

The Media for deciding whom we should like in a Presidential Nomination process, and whom we should not. For hating Hillary Clinton to such an extent as to completely derail her campaign as well as all the hard work and accomplishments of her lifetime.

Chris Matthews-for being the most blatant Misogynist on TV... from asking women to get closer to the camera for a better 'shot' to his obvious hatred of Hillary Clinton.

The Media..again..for Creating news not reporting on it.

Fox huge oxymoron.

Pundits... for speaking and shouting over the thoughts and intelligent comments by so many of their guests.

The Democratic Party, whose short memory of NOT COUNTING VOTES lost them the past 2 Presidential elections. You, the DNC, have learned nothing. You have forgotten that the Democratic party is one of INCLUSION not EXCLUSION. This election is supposed to be about the PEOPLE of the United States, not some stupid set of rules designed to purposely confuse, confound, and piss off the very heart of the party, those that vote in every election. Way to go guys, its not easy to take an election that was all but sown up... and now have a real shot of losing the whole enchilada.

And the media wonders why newspaper readership is down, people are burnt out by the time a primary or election actually takes place, and why, too many people in this country could not find Greece on a map if it had a pin stuck in it.

I am tired, of the rhetoric, the garbage speak, and the 4th Estates supposed sense of entitlement to make up my mind for me.


Linda Lauren said...

Wow! And they say that *I* tell it like it is! Way to go, Sumi! You have said what I wanted to say!

Anonymous said...

Amen sister!