Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Stella Silvansky sings at Monica Renneville's Outdoor Event Area in SL

As I have said before, Monica Renneville and I own the island ETU Abbracciare in Second Life(SL). A parcel on the island is dedicated to outdoor concerts and other events. We were lucky enough to have Stella Silvansky perform there on June 6... it was a great fun concert. Thank you Robert for this video!

By the way, I am in the front of the dance floor in a white suit, and Monica is wearing a Linda Lauren's Energy Art™ vest! and jeans!!

In case you are all my real life friends and family know I have NO rhythm, and could not dance even if Ginger Rogers invaded my body and took over, Everyone in SL has rhythm!

This stage and entire outdoor event area was a collaboration between Monica and a little bit of me. It was entirely built by us...and has such a great look and feel to it, many parts of it have been copied by other venues. A huge compliment. In the background of the stage, you will notice Linda Lauren's Energy Art™ which is being shown as a sideshow, as well as an over sized picture of Stella. The Blue Angel you see 'floating' is the Logo we use in SL and RL (Real Life as we say in SL). It also does double duty of being a tip jar. The dance animations are all available for free from the big round balls that float over the center of the dance floor. If you have any more questions about SL..just ask!


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