Saturday, June 21, 2008

Driving Jersey Style

Blinkers are a waste of energy, therefore we do not use them.

A circle (roundabout) is one big game of chicken.

A jughandle is a way to get out of stopping at a red light... just use it and continue on your way.

A red light is a suggestion... a yellow light a waste of a bulb... a green light is expected

A pedestrian does not belong on the road, any part of it, roads were made for driving, not walking.

A pedestrian does not belong on the road... part 2... because I have a hot cup of coffee in my lap between my legs, with a water bottle in the center console as I check my email on my iPhone... and you honestly think I have time to stop for your lazy butt to cross the street.. or even think of stopping and messing up the interior of my car or burning my lap???

Speed limits exist purely as a money making opportunity for the local/county/state police. They are to be ignored, unless you see a cop.

Driving while drinking, eating, talking on the phone, putting on make-up/shaving, reading the paper is an inherent right.

People from NY and PA who drive in NJ are the worst...

Its FUN going 60mph on a crowded 2 lane highway with every major box store known to man on both sides of the road. Its even more fun going from one store to another store on the other side of the highway without looking.

If there is a space no larger than a postage stamp between cars, I have the right to change lanes and cut you off.

The tires on the back of some SUV's are an additional bumper.

If we can build a highway..we do, and always find a way to mess up on and off ramps.

Whats wrong with stopping short if you are 2 inches from my rear bumper while going 80mph? Back off Jack!

An SUV gives you the right to drive anyway you want in any weather condition. If I want to go 75mph in 4 inches of snow and ice on a one lane pedestrian road, whats the problem?


Anonymous said...

Very funny, very true.

Unknown said...

LOL Sumi. Now tell us how you *really* feel!