Tuesday, June 17, 2008

My Buddy Peri

We were together for almost 15 years, side by side every day, thick and thin... he knew me and my secrets, never stopped barking, whining and was a shining light in my life. This morning, that light moved to another plane. He simply had enough, enough pain, enough problems breathing, enough of his life.

I promised him a home when he comes back... and I am sure he will.

I got him at 5 weeks old, he was housebroken by 7 weeks, and known as the liquor store dog that always rolled over for anyone to rub his belly. He was also a Pet Therapy Dog, with an instinctive knowledge of how to approach each and every person he came into contact with.

He was a funny little puppy. Part beagle, basset and corgi, his legs always to short for his tubby body. His funny walk and mannerisms earned him the nickname Chooch, like a clown.

I'll miss that Chooch.


Unknown said...
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Linda Lauren said...

Awwww..... Sumi, I will miss Peri, too! He is, and will continue to be, a very special energy!

Anonymous said...

i miss peri too!