Wednesday, April 9, 2008

gut instinct ...

When I started using my Dog Trainer...wait let me rephrase that...

When I started using a people trainer for my dog, we discussed nutrition and how important it is for our pets. I truly did not understand the power of a well balanced diet and what a difference it can make. Even my Vet's kinda poo-poo'd the Holistic diet I fed them 2 times per day... raw beef or a protein, steamed veggies, supplement and kibble. The dogs and my cats loved it.

As I went for the yearly exams my vets would simply smile as I reexplained their meals, giving me the 'isn't that nice' smile. Their eyes said 'I can't believe you actually think spending all that time and money feeding your pets that stuff could be anywhere near as healthy, as the over priced processed bagged and canned kibble I am trying to get you to buy because the feed companies tell me its good stuff and I can make a lot of money off you on a monthly basis keeping you coming back for more' look.

In the years that have followed, a wonderful little girl who chose Linda as her best friend named Gigdet became part of the group. At 18 months of age, she already had 3 nasty urinary tract infections, and her most recent Urinalysis showed high levels of crystals, tri-phosphates and all sorts of bad news that could be life threatening if not taken seriously. The vet said she had to eat a special diet (that only the vet sold) with a base protein of chicken, which we knew her to be very sensitive to.

'What about her scratching?'
'Use Benadryl'
'But I don't want her to be a Benedryl baby!'
'We can find other anti histamines then.'

'What about her supplements? Vitamin C?'
'Do not use them any more'

'She loves broccoli and carrots and veggies... what about them?'

Wait, your telling me this bag of stuff and these cans are the only thing she can eat for the rest of her life, even though I know she craves veggies... raw beef... cooked shin bones??? Yep.

Linda and I looked at each other and said nothing.

I knew, Linda knew... no way, there is something seriously wrong with this limited thinking. As we switched her diet over to the Vet formula, Gidget itched, scratched, bit, chewed her paws, had problems sleeping and was 'stealing' veggies and proteins from the other dogs bowls. We bought stock in Benadryl.

We talked, then called Dr Kennith Fischer of the Hillsdale Animal Hospital.

I also got to thinking, if an animal in the wild needs a certain type of protein or veggie that is what they eat. If something causes an unpleasant reaction in their body, they learn not to eat that food source. So why then, would Gidget be eating a food source Linda knew was bound to cause a long term harmful reaction??? And, what she was craving, telling us she needed, was not 'allowed' to eat? It made no sense.

Off we went to Dr Fisher. After an hour interview he changed her diet from the bag o' itch to her old diet with some refinements... back to the meat protein, back to the veggies, supplements and now whole grains.

After 2 months we noticed Gidget had NO TEAR STAINS! NONE! She used to have stains that came down her face and practically dripped off her whiskers. Her eyes were bright and shining, her coat started to get sparkles, become softer, she lost less fur. Her scratching and itching lessened, she was... happy eating her beef, bones, spinach, vitamin c., broccoli and carrots.

Then the big one, the biggest test of all.... her next urinalysis... After 3 months of this diet, with virtually no itching, absolutely no poultry products, and all those ingredients the old vet said she could not have... the results were in.

She had no tri phosphates, and her crystals were in the low to normal range.

If Gidget hadn't been stealing the food she needed, if the proof was not in front of my very eyes, I would not have believed how important this part of dog care is. Just think, all those suffering pets on heavy duty anti-biotics, anti-histamines, anti-whatever pills, limited boring, inadequate diets could simply be cured by us listening to their gut.... those pets know it, why don't we?

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