Wednesday, March 5, 2008

One Day Your Going To Need To Know This....

‘One day…hisssss…you are going to need to know thisssss, mark my wordssss…” the voice sounded as if it was coming form a Gila monster, but it wasn’t. It was Mrs. L., my 7th grade geometry teacher, getting ready to throw someone else out of her room.

“One of these days, you are going to look back on this and KNOW I was right.!’ she continued, and then Robert was a goner, again.

For me today is that day. 37 years later, and it sucks, cause I do not even remember the tiniest morsel of it, not the most infinitesimal iota, and dammit, I need to.

I am trying to line up some pictures in my house, I want them perfect, all the same height, all the same angles, all the same distance apart, and it ain’t happening.

I am at my other home, the one in Second Life (SL), the Polynesian Longhouse with open sides for the lush tropical foliage to be seen, to hear the ocean sounds, to see the crashing waves that change daily, and believe I am somewhere else, not sitting at a desk in New Jersey, where it's 32 degrees and raining/snowing/sleeting all at the same time, absolutely dreading the thought of trying to clean the sidewalks.

Crap! The middle one is off… again… it is tilted in a weird way…think! Think you moron, you did this in 7th grade, how difficult could it be????

... maybe I won’t fix it, no one will notice… Not likely. A lot of my SL friends are accomplished builders, they CHECK out your stuff, not just the style, but also the textures, does it LOOK or FEEL real, is it lined up, is it pleasing to the eye, or are you a hack, just throwing the stuff on the walls and the floors hoping there is not much empty space?? They will notice, big time, and let you know...

Wait, now I remember, somewhere in the recesses of my brain, deeply hidden for years and years, hidden from the alcohol, the smoke and smog, the basic over indulgences of life, its there… ‘Check out the angles… 45/90/180/270 degrees’… yee haa got it!


Linda Lauren said...

Sumi you are so incredibly witty that I don't know why you don't just write a book based on these experiences in your life! They are a hoot, and your reader can easily identify with you and your plight. Keep up the good work, but, as your psychic, WRITE A BOOK!!! :)

Denise K. Rago said...

I vote for a book Sumi!